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| Mental Illness: Major Films 
Title | Woman Under the Influence, A (1974) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | Mental Nervous Breakdown | Country | USA | Length | 155 | Genre | Drama | Rating | 4 | Director | John Cassavetes
| Cast | Peter Falk Gena Rowlands Katherine Cassavetes Lady Rowlands Fred Draper
| Notes | If you're familiar with Cassavetes as a director you'll know you have to be patient. A slow, detailed study of a woman's breakdown. Gena Rowlands plays Mabel Longhetti from a working class family. Her husband Nick (Peter Falk) is a construction worker. Their constant rows lead to her having a nervous breakdown and spending six months in a mental hospital. And when she leaves things are no different at home. One of Mabel's problems is that she is a housewife and has no outlet for her rage. While her husband is a bully. A long film, not easy viewing but with a down to the bone performance from Gena Rowlands. Those who know Falk only from the Columbo series will be surprised.
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