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| Mental Illness: Major Films 
Title | This Sweet Sickness (1977) | Alternative/Original Title | Dites-lui que je l'aime | Disability | Mental illness | Country | France | Length | 101 | Genre | Drama | Rating | ? | Director | Claude Miller
| Cast | Gerard Depardieu Miou-Miou Claude Pieplu Jacques Denis Dominique Laffin
| Notes | If this film is done well then it must be worth seeing and the cast suggests it will be. Self-delusion is one of the commonest mental illnesses, and a characteristic that at some time perhaps affects us all. An accountant, David, played by Depardieu tells people when he leaves town every Friday evening that he is going to look after his parents who are in an old persons' home. In reality his parents are dead and he is working on a chalet which will be the home for himself and the woman he loves. But the reality is that the woman, Lise, is married and has a baby. David knows this but continues to build.
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