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| Mental Illness: Major Films no photo.
Title | Shattered Mind (1996) (TV Film) | Alternative/Original Title | The Terror Inside | Disability | Mental Multiple Personality Syndrome | Country | USA | Length | ? | Genre | Drama | Rating | 1 | Director | Stephen Gyllenhaal
| Cast | Heather Locklear Martha Tremayne Katherine La Nasa Marnie Andrews Stephanie Beaton Francois Chau
| Notes | Here we have a complex story involving a condition, multiple personality syndrome, which by some is considered fraudulent. There are many articles on the WWW discussing this condition. So you might expect that a film producer would take the matter seriously and use a competent actor to play the woman who has m.p.s. But no they settle for Heather Locklear a regular of TV/Cable films plus she's quite sexy. And she's already played a mentally ill secretary in "Body Language" (1992). Locklear goes through the film like a zombie. She can't handle the different voices affected by people with this condition so she switches from behaving like a child, to shy retiring wife, to sexy, outgoing girl. If you know anything about m.p.s. you'll know it's generally related to childhood abuse and of course this is where the film leads. To my mind this is irresponsible film making which has at the core of its being contempt for its audience.
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