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| Mental Illness: Major Films 
Title | Pink Floyd The Wall (1982) | Alternative/Original Title | The Wall | Disability | Mental breakdown Drug addiction | Country | UK | Length | 99 | Genre | Musical drama | Rating | 3 | Director | Alan Parker
| Cast | Bob Geldof Christine Hargreaves James Laurenson Eleanor David Kevin McKeon Bob Hoskins
| Notes | This film may date, I haven't seen it for a while, but I think the music will last. And Bob Geldof must be the most famous musician who hasn't released much in the way of songs lately. He got his knighthood before Paul McCartney did but can't call himself Sir Bob because he's Irish. Margaret Thatcher must have had Apollo's gift to Cassandra in mind when she made him a knight. Here Sir Bob plays a rock star who is going through a mental breakdown, stuck in an L.A. hotel unable to go on stage without drugs. The film looks back on his life.
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