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| Mental Illness: Major Films 
Title | Pi (1998) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | Mental Obsessive compulsion disorder, Paranoia Chronic Migraine | Country | USA | Length | 84 | Genre | Sci-Fi | Rating | 2 | Director | Darren Aronofsky
| Cast | Sean Gullette Mark Margolis Pamela Hart
| Notes | A computer/maths geek, Max, pursues the meaning of life thorugh numbers. Aged six he had a chip implant in his head after being temporarily blinded after staring into the sun. The chip allows him to do complex maths calculations. He ends up having two groups on his back. The investors who want to 'win' at the stock market and Jewish cabalists who want to unearth the secrets of the Torah. Not surprisingly Max has chronic migraine and eventually descends into some kind of insanity. This is a simply story overladen with ideas to the neglect of story telling and for me was virtually unwatchable. http://movie-reviews.colossus.net/movies/p/pi.html
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