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| Mental Illness: Major Films 
Title | Other Sister, The (1999) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | Mental illness | Country | USA | Length | 127 | Genre | Drama | Rating | ? | Director | Garry Marshall
| Cast | Juliette Lewis Diane Keaton Tom Skerritt Giovanni Ribisi
| Notes | Juliette Lewis plays Carla who has spent years in a Special school because she has a slight mental disability. At home with her well-off parents in San Francisco she and they have to adapt to each other. Her mother is over protective and her father feels bad for having sent her to a boarding school. When she meets Danny who also has a mental illness she wants to leave home and live independently with him. Of course she faces her parents' disapproval. Reviewers have rather slammed this film. Some people claim her condition is autism.
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