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| Mental Illness: Major Films 
Title | Man Facing Southeast (1986) | Alternative/Original Title | Hombre Mirando al Sudeste | Disability | Mental | Country | Argentina | Length | 108 | Genre | Hospital drama | Rating | 3 | Director | Eliseo Subiela
| Cast | Lorenzo Quinteros Hugo Soto Ines Vernengo
| Notes | Colour and B/W Psychiatrist in mental hospital faced by patient claiming to be alien. The man is intelligent and has strange powers but spends hours facing south east claiming to be communicating with the planet he came from. He eventually dies from Electric Shock Therapy (N.B.. something that in reality happens very rarely). While the film tries to leave us feeling ambiguous about the man's origins a pinch of scepticism needs to be tossed over one's shoulder and a smidgen of metaphor chewed on.
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