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| Mental Illness: Major Films no photo.
Title | In the Presence of a Clown (1997) (TV Film) | Alternative/Original Title | Larmar och gor sig till Dabei: Ein Clown | Disability | Mental illness | Country | Sweden | Length | 119 | Genre | Drama | Rating | ? | Director | Ingmar Bergman
| Cast | Borje Ahlstedt Marie Richardson Erland Josephson Pernilla August Anita Bjork
| Notes | Co-production Norway / Sweden / Denmark / Germany / Italy In Swedish An inventor is in the psychiatric ward of an Uppsala hospital for having tried to kill his fiancee. With another patient he plans to make a film and open a kino in the countryside. The film is a silent black and white biography of the composer Franz Schubert. His stroke of genius is to have live voices accompanying the pictures. Schubert provokes other themes for the director because he caught syphilis from his romantic adventures. Unsuccessful at attracting an audience the show is taken on the road.
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