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| Mental Illness: Major Films 
Title | Frances (1982) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | Mental | Country | USA | Length | 140 | Genre | Hospital drama | Rating | 3 | Director | Graeme Clifford
| Cast | Jessica Lange Sam Shepard Bart Burns
| Notes | The story of film star Frances Farmer, her mental breakdown and hospitalisation. This is tough going, as was her life. Lange plays it a la De Niro in 'Raging Bull'. Harrowing, all down hill until the final lobotomy and the real depths which include fronting a talk show in Indianpolis. If you come out understanding what caused Farmer's downfall it will be because of Lange's performance. In its early stages her mental unbalance is her lack of conformity especially in the eyes of her dominatrix mother. See also "Committed" (1983) and "Will There Really be a Morning?" (1983).
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