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| Mental Illness: Major Films no photo.
Title | Face to Face (1976) (TV Film) | Alternative/Original Title | Ansikte Mot Ansikte | Disability | Mental Depression | Country | Sweden | Length | 136 | Genre | Drama | Rating | ? | Director | Ingmar Bergman
| Cast | Liv Ullman Erland Josephson Gunnar Bjornstrand Kari Sylwan
| Notes | This film is the result of editing of a 4 part TV series. A psychiatrist, Jenny, is on holiday without her husband. She begins to have visions of an old woman which brings about depression. Seeking some escape she has an affair with a married doctor. This though leads to a nervous breakdown and attempted suicide. In a condition half dead, half alive she has further visions of the people in her life and accuses them of bringing her to this state.
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