A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability 

| Mental Illness: Major Films 
Title | Dracula Versus Frankenstein (1971) | Alternative/Original Title | 1. The Revenge of Dracula 2. They're Coming to Get You 3. The Bloodseekers | Disability | Dwarf Limb Mental | Country | USA | Length | 90 | Genre | Horror Comedy | Rating | 2 | Director | Al Adamson
| Cast | Lon Chaney Jnr. J. Carrol Naish Russ Tamblin
| Notes | The story as far as it goes involves Dracula making a contract with Frankenstein to supply him with blood. J. Carrol Naish is the wheelchair using mad scientist Dr. Durea who is a descendant of Frankenstein. Dracula wants him to reviveAlso features a dwarf, Grazbo. Chaney jnr. plays an 'idiot'. The waiter in hippie/biker bar has a huge scar on his forehead.
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