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| Mental Illness: Major Films no photo.
Title | Beautiful Mind, A (2001) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | Mental Schizophrenia | Country | USA | Length | 132 | Genre | Biography | Rating | ? | Director | Ron Howard
| Cast | Russell Crowe Ed Harris Jennifer Connelly
| Notes | This film is based on the biography of John Nash, a mathematician, who was also schizophrenic. Nash was initially successful in the field of economics (I think his Nobel Prizer was for that). Later he was recruited to do code breaking for the Department of Defense. At work and home (he was married with one child) his behaviour gave cause for concern. He is diagnosed as schizophrenic and spends a short time in a mental hospital. His wife supports him and there is hope of recovery (in reality they were divorced and Nash was bi-sexual). Apparently (I haven't seen the film) it is suggested that Nash's schizophrenia is brought about by the stress of his government job. His schizophrenia is also reputed to be the source of some of his revelations. I suggest you read Susan Granger's review (at IMDB) which is insightful (and quite hostile) and will act as an antidote to many of the other reviews more obsessed with whether Russell Crowe will win another Oscar.
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