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| Mental Illness: Major Films no photo.
Title | Anita (1987) | Alternative/Original Title | 1. Tanze des Lasters 2. Dances of Vice | Disability | Mental | Country | Germany | Length | 89 | Genre | Drama | Rating | ? | Director | Rosa von Praunheim
| Cast | Ina Blum Mikael Honesseau Lotti Huber Hannelene Limpach Friedrich Steinhauer
| Notes | Using a mix of an expressionist style in colour and a documentary style in B/W. this film examines a woman who takes on the personality of an infamous woman from the 1920s. Set in Berlin in the late 1980s the woman is sent to a mental hospital where the personality of Anita Berber, a nude dancer and drug addict, completely takes over.
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