A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability
| Disfigurement: Minor Films no photo.
Title | Phantom of Paradise (1974) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | Disfigurement Facial | Country | USA | Length | 92 | Genre | Musical Horror | Rating | 2 | Director | Brian De Palma
| Cast | Paul Williams William Finley Jessica Harper George Memmoli Gerrit Graham
| Notes | Rock musical version of the "The Phantom of the Opera". Songwriter is the one with the disfigured face when his head is caught in a record press. He also has metal teeth and a distorted voice. You could call this film weird and wacky but I found the singing execrable Despite its parodies of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", "Psycho" and other films this is not vintage De Palma.
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