A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability
| Disfigurement: Minor Films no photo.
Title | Craft, The (1996) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | Disfigurement | Country | USA | Length | 100 | Genre | Horror | Rating | 3 | Director | Andrew Fleming
| Cast | Robin Tunney Fairuza Balk Neve Campbell Rachel True Skeet Ulrich Christine Taylor Breckin Meyer Nathaniel Marston Cliff De Young Helen Shaver Assumpta Serna
| Notes | The boys don't get a look-in which makes a nice change but boys are not known for being witches. And these are witch-bitches, getting their own back on their tormentors both boys and girls. A girl (Tunney) with a mysterious past starts at a new school and teams up with MacBeth's three witches. There's trouble brewing and you sense it in every step forward as they walk side by side along the school corridors. A mix of the new girl's powers, visits to a 'witches' emporium and the other girls' wish-list brings them to a point where they can cast spells. One of the girls is courted by the school stud and then dumped because she won't have sex. She casts a spell on him which makes him a love-puppy. Another of the girls has a severely scarred back which makes her self-concious. Craftily the film shows her having an operation on her scar tissue at the same time as she casts her spell. So we don't know which is the healer. The local 'prom queen' who looks down her nose at the girls, especially the black one loses her hair. More seriously little miss white trash (Fairuza Balk) kills her mother's partner (not directly of course) and they get a nice windfall in the shape of a pension. Of course the abuse of power rebounds on them and when they turn against the only real witch (Tunney) strange things happen to them. This film is passing amusement which could have been better if the inferiority felt by the girl has been developed better. This isn't another 'Heathers' more a variation on The Karate Kid.
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