A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability 

| Deaf: Minor Films no photo.
Title | Nick of Time (1995) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | Amputee Deaf | Country | USA | Length | 89 | Genre | Thriller | Rating | 3 | Director | John Badham
| Cast | Johnny Depp Christopher Walken Marsha Mason Charles S. Dutton
| Notes | Disappointing thriller despite prescence of Depp. On arrival at L.A. station Depp and his daughter are 'hijacked' and he is forced to play the assassin's part in complex conspiracy against the governor of California. The film finds it hard to keep the plot rolling over the 90 minutes he's given to do the job and the film ends abruptly. Depp is helped to avoid his having to kill by a shoeshine man who has lost one leg and hearing in one ear during service in Vietnam. Both disabilities are used as part of plot. He pretends to be totally deaf, and when he is shot in the leg it is the one which is prosthetic.
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