A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability 

| Deaf: Minor Films no photo.
Title | Men, Women: A User's Manual (1996) | Alternative/Original Title | Hommes, femmes, mode d'emploi | Disability | Cancer Deaf | Country | France | Length | 122 | Genre | Comedy | Rating | 4 | Director | Claude Lelouch
| Cast | Fabrice Luchini Bernard Tapie Alessandra Martines
| Notes | A cop and a business man both go to a clinic for a check to see if they have cancer. One of the doctors decides to run an experiment. She, the doctor, had previously been involved with the married businessman and he had dumped her. Though his diagnosis is clear she tells him the cancer cells are malignant. And the cop who has a fatal cancer is told he is clear. The cop is on top of the world and decides to go to Lourdes as a journey of thanks. The business man suggests he go along in hope of a cure. There's an amusing side story about two teenagers who meet on a train and then spend the rest of the film trying to find each other. There is a very brief shot in the police station of a deaf woman who has been mugged. Bernard Tapie who plays the business man is really a business man and this is his first role.
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