A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability 

| Deaf: Major Films no photo.
Title | Voices (1979) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | Deaf | Country | USA | Length | 107 | Genre | Drama | Rating | 1 | Director | Robert Markowitz
| Cast | Michael Ontkean Amy Irving Alex Rocco Barry Miller Herbert Berghof Viveca Lindfors
| Notes | Rock singer in love with deaf woman. Includes the deaf actor Richard Kendall. Amy Irving's sister taught at the Maryland School for the Deaf. Catya writes: I applaud Amy Irving (Rose Marie) for doing her research very well. Her 'deaf' voice is very accurate. Viveca Lindfors is very good as her anxious mother warning her away from having a relationship with a 'hearing' man (e.g. Michael 'The Wooden Actor' Onketan). Other than that, it's a so-and-so film.
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