A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability 

| Deaf: Major Films 
Title | Story of Esther Costello, The (1957) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | Blind Deaf | Country | UK | Length | 103 | Genre | Drama | Rating | 1 | Director | David Miller
| Cast | Joan Crawford Rossano Brazzi Heather Sears Lee Patterson Fay Compton Bessie Love Ron Randell
| Notes | B/W. Rich woman helps out blind, deaf girl and creates charity in her name. Utterly ghastly not just to the disabled but to the Irish and everyone else. Some important detail which may be interesting historically. Heavily patronising. You can't make films like this with actors who can't act. Substitute Bette Davis for Joan Crawford and an actor who was really blind then we'd have a starting point. .
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