A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability 

| Deaf: Major Films no photo.
Title | Man Who Played God, The (1932) | Alternative/Original Title | The Silent Voice | Disability | Deaf | Country | USA | Length | 81 | Genre | Drama | Rating | 3 | Director | John G. Adolfi
| Cast | George Arliss Bette Davis Violet Heming Louise Closser Hale Donald Cook Ray Milland
| Notes | B/W. Arliss plays a famous pianist who following an explosion is totally deaf. Soon he learns to lip-read and using a telescope 'spies' on the conversations of people in the park he can see from his window. This shows him that many are worse off than himself and he takes steps to help them. But one day he sees his fiancee (Davis) telling a young man that she doesn't love the much older Arliss and only stays with him because of his deafness. Despite this blow he makes it possible for them to marry. First made (from the stage play) in 1922. Remade as "Sincerely Yours" (1955, see below).
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