A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability 

| Deaf: Major Films 
Title | City of Sadness (1989) | Alternative/Original Title | Beiqing chengshi | Disability | Deaf | Country | Taiwan | Length | ? | Genre | Drama | Rating | ? | Director | Hsiao-hsien Hou
| Cast | Wou Yi Fang Nakamura Ikuyo Kao Jai Tianlu Li
| Notes | In Taiwanese, Japanese, and Mandarin Catya writes: City of Sadness - it's a 'Robert Altman-type' film about the 1947 massacre (by the National Party), otherwise known as the February 28 Incident. The film revolves round the family whose lives are torn apart by the arrest of the youngest son who owns a photography studio. He's "deaf-mute" (the actor is hearing). It's a powerful, complex film. I believe it caused an uproar as the massacre incident was never discussed in public - until the film was released. I tracked this one down after reading about it in a book about Chinese films.
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