A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability 

| AIDS: Major Films no photo.
Title | Savage Nights (1992) | Alternative/Original Title | 1. Les Nuits Fauves 2. Notti Selvagge | Disability | AIDS | Country | France/Italy | Length | 126 | Genre | Drama | Rating | 3 | Director | Cyril Collard
| Cast | Cyril Collard Romane Bohringer Carlos Lopez Corine Blue
| Notes | Taken from the director/star/author's life who at 30 was diagnosed as HIV-positive. But he still carries on his bi-sexual activity. He has a male lover while falling for a 17 year old woman and takes no precautions. But then he tells the woman of his condition and prepares to use a condom but she throws it away. The star is said to be a "self-centred jerk" and eludes our sympathy. However the film was received with honours. Collard died shortly after. I found this a self-centred and ultimately boring film of ideas in which it is difficult to be concerned about the characters. Obviously appealed to those who thought it too politically correct to wear a condom. After the same fashion it's O.K., even admirable, to drive around fast regardless of other people's safety, or to put it another way -- potential disability. All the same I would recommend this film because whether you like it or not it'll get you thinking. Based on the director's novel of the same name.
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