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| AIDS: Major Films 
Title | Philadelphia (1993) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | AIDS | Country | USA | Length | ? | Genre | Drama | Rating | 4 | Director | Jonathan Demme
| Cast | Tom Hanks Denzel Washington Jason Robards
| Notes | Hanks plays Andrew Beckett who is working very successfully for a Philadelphia law firm. He discovers he has AIDS but keeps this quiet along with being gay. Soon after he is given an important case a partner points out a lesion on his forehead and his condition starts to deteriorate. The notes for his case disappear from his computer and he gets the sack on grounds of incompetence. Beckett knowing the real reason for his dismissal brings a case of discrimination against the firm. He is defended by Joe Miller (Washington) who isn't exactly pro gay or sympathetic towards someone with AIDS. It's important that films deal with important issues. Shindler's List is a story 50 years in arrears, Costa Grava's Missing came 10 years to late to really matter. The China Syndrome resonated and became a reference point. Philadelphia would appear to be topical and bang on target, yet while the story is interesting and informative melodrama rules over a drama with depth. Hanks and Washington's character are well drawn and acted well. But Becket's family are soggily PC, his boss is over the top in his reactions, his boyfriend is barely visible and the prosecutor doesn't have her heart in it. There are better films to be made about AIDS but this is the one with the most impact.
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