A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability 

| AIDS: Major Films 
Title | People vs. Larry Flynt, The (1996) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | AIDS Limb Wheelchair | Country | USA | Length | 127 | Genre | True story | Rating | 4 | Director | Milos Forman
| Cast | Woody Harrelson Courtney Love Edward Norton Brett Harrelson Donna Hanover
| Notes | Porn king fights in courts for freedom of speech, i.e. print 'dirty' pictures. In 1978 Flynt was shot by someone who was never found, and left paralyzed from the waist down. For some time he is dependent on drugs to stop the pain until he has an operation. His partner dies of AIDS. While not a pleasant story this is a very good film and I think we have to thank Milos Forman (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Net) for that. There is no one in this film with whom you can naturally empathise . These people publishing porn are not very nice. But our interest is sustained because with Flynt what you see is what you get. He knows what he is, he's aware of people's reactions to him. Courtney Love, who I've never seen when she was a singer, portrays the decline of Flynt's girlfriend (later wife) with grotesque detail. There's sex in the film but it's not really sexy and Flynt's attitude to porn is not to make it sexy more about what can he get away with. The civil rights issues I'm not interested it in this regard, and appear to me spurious, but Flynt's battle with the system is interesting. But he ain't no hero. Look out for the people in wheelchairs at the back of the courtroom in the final court scene.
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