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| AIDS: Major Films 
Title | Our Sons (1991) (TV Film) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | AIDS | Country | USA | Length | 100 | Genre | Drama | Rating | 2 | Director | John Erman
| Cast | Julie Andrews Ann-Margret Hugh Grant Zeljko Ivanek
| Notes | The mothers of sons who are gay, one with AIDS, resolve through long conversations their situation. Hugh, he of Four Weddings, has a friend who is dying of AIDS but he's afraid to tell his mother. Hugh tries to persuade his own mother to tell his friend's mother. The middle class Julie Andrews goes off eventually to talk to the trailer trash Ann-Margaret. Of course T.T. Ann-Margaret is anti-gay but she's eventually persuaded by the fragrant Julie to go to San Diego and see her dying son. Well meaning but uninteresting.
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