A.I.D.S Amnesia Amputee Autism Blind Cancer Deaf Disfigurement Dwarf General Learning Difficulty Limb Mental Polio Stuttering Recommended by Title Recommended by Disability 

| AIDS: Major Films no photo.
Title | In the Gloaming (1997) (TV Film) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | AIDS | Country | USA | Length | 90? | Genre | Drama | Rating | 2 | Director | Christopher Reeve
| Cast | Glenn Close Bridget Fonda David Strathairn Robert Sean Leonard Whoopi Goldberg
| Notes | Son comes home after long absence. The fatted calf is killed but he's forsaken meat. His news is that he's dying of AIDS. Acceptance by family except for his father who avoids the issue. Much sharing of childhood memories. August becomes September and they're still sitting around the table on the verandah though by now he's walking with the aid of a stick and using a wheelchair. But it turns out mum has her prejudices as well since she had never invited him and his lover to stay with them. Once again this is a well-off household and Whoopi Goldberg is hired as a carer. Why doesn't the mother look after him she doesn't appear to work outside the home. Husband becomes jealous and his sister accuses him of being his mother's favourite and that is what made him what he is. Fairly bland and with some special case pleading. Avoids worst aspects of what it means to die from AIDS. Though the tensions in the family may help some to understand better these situations. And forget the star cast, this is definitely a TV film.
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