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| AIDS: Major Films 
Title | Go to the Light (1988) (TV Film) | Alternative/Original Title | Go Toward the Light | Disability | AIDS Haemophilia | Country | USA | Length | 100 | Genre | True story | Rating | 3 | Director | Mike Robe
| Cast | Linda Hamilton Richard Thomas Piper Laurie Ned Beatty Brian Bonsall Joshua Harris
| Notes | There are next to no films about haemophilia, the only ones I know involve AIDS. The condition also deserves much better treatment than this film gives it. A young boy has AIDS from the use of Factor8. While the mother accepts the situation the father refuses to telling her to be more positive. She is pregnant with another child, his school is ready to kick the child out and he may live only another year. See also "The Cure" My notes: Both sons in a family have haemophilia. One Ben is not well at school (he sits next to girl who's had chemo) He has stomach pain and diarohea and pills don't work. Hospital orders brain scan, spinal tap and bone marrow test. Results show he has a parasite, has yeast infection in his throat called Thrush. And he has AIDS. He could have been infected (from blood or Factor 8?) anytime before 1981. 85% of AIDS patients die within a year. Dad "I don't believe Ben is going to die." His school no longer wants him to attend though in fact he is too ill to go to school. His friend, Jessica, (the one with cancer) dies. This film and others like it don't convey just how difficult it is for parents and children in this situation. The film tells the story not shows it. But how to talk to Ben about dying is handled well. Dad still goes on about a miracle cure but mother says they have to help him to die. It turns out they are Mormons and dad goes to see Bishop who also suggests getting Ben ready for death. This is let down by the illustration used of the spirit slipping into the body like a hand into a glove. Ben can't keep food down, his veins are collapsing because of I.V.s and so he's starving to death. So a Hickman catheter is inserted in his chest which allows feeding. He has to stay in hospital for 5-6 weeks but his mother is pregnant and the baby due in 3 weeks and they want him home. The new baby is born and doesn't have haemophilia. Ben gets pancrytitis and may not go home again. They have problems with the hospital bills. Dad has a severe anxiety attack -- looks just like a heart attack. In Ben's final weeks a volunteer hospital visitor spends time with him.
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