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| AIDS: Major Films 
Title | And the Band Played On (1993) (TV Film) | Alternative/Original Title | | Disability | AIDS | Country | USA | Length | 150 | Genre | History | Rating | 3 | Director | Roger Spottiswoode
| Cast | Matthew Modine Glenne Headly Alan Alda
| Notes | Story of how AIDS was identified when young men began dying mysteriously. A tale of detection which runs like a detective story but with political undertones. This is rather like "All the President's Men" applied to the subject of AIDS. Good playing from main leads especially Modine, but too many celebrities distracts. It does however include the plight of haemophiliacs infected by use of Factor 8. Overall a professionally made 'educational' film that fails to entertain consistently but a must for anyone who wants to know more about the subject.
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